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Payment for education

Payment for education (school fees) can be paid in two ways:

1) By cash payment:
Deposit the above amount at the cash desk of GE Money Bank, as, náměstí TGM v
No. Better. Provide the following information at the checkout:
school account number: 428 20 824/0600
amount of school fees in CZK: according to the regulations
variable symbol: as prescribed
2) By payment order from your account:
It can be done using a payment order obtained from your bank or by electronic order:
Account number of the payer: account number from which tuition is paid
amount of school fees in CZK: according to the regulations
variable symbol: as prescribed
You can also use the payment order generated by the iZUŠ system, which is handed over by the pupil's teacher. It is also possible to arrange sending by e-mail. A QR code is printed on this order to facilitate payment.

Due date of payment for education
Payment for education is always due semi-annually:
in the first semester by September 15 , in the second semester by February 15 .

Individual payment date
If you are interested in a different than the usual tuition payment date (a later date or paying in installments), you must request this in writing. The application must be submitted by the due date for tuition fees for the given semester. The application is assessed by the school principal.

Waiver or reduction of the education fee
If there is a serious reason for the waiver or reduction of the education fee, the head of the school can authorize this based on the written request of the legal representative. The application must be submitted by the due date for tuition fees for the given semester.

Consequence of non-payment of tuition fees
If tuition fees are not paid by the due date for the tuition fees for the given semester and an individual payment date, repayment schedule or waiver or reduction of education fees is not requested, the degree may be terminated.

Amount of payment for education (school fees) at ZUŠ Česká Lípa:

Music major

Post type CZK/semester
PHV - Preparatory music education
Individual teaching
Unemployed Chinese adults (students)
Gainfully employed adults
Choir singing
Choir singing  (students studying other fields at HO)
Independent Choir (pupils studying solo singing) 0,   -
Playing a secondary instrument (or singing) + 350,

Art field

Post type CZK/semester
PVV - preparatory art education 600,-
Basic studies I. degree 800,-
Basic study II. degree 1000,-
Unemployed adults (students) 2500,-
Gainfully employed adults 4000,-


Dance major

Post type CZK/semester
PTV - preparatory dance education 600,-
Basic studies I. degree 800,-
Basic study II. degree 1000,-
Unemployed adults (students) 2500,-
Gainfully employed adults 4000,-


Literary-dramatic field

Post type CZK/semester
PDV - preparatory drama education 600,-
Basic studies I. degree 800,-
Basic study II. degree 1000,-
Unemployed adults (students) 2500,-
Gainfully employed adults 4000,-


Liberec Region



Základní umělecká škola,
Česká Lípa, Arbesova 2077, příspěvková organizace

Arbesova 2077
Česká Lípa, 470 01

IČ: 62237021
IDDS: imn64gz
